
A friendly Moin Moin from Hamburg

Eine Frau lächelt vor einem historischen Segelschiff, das im Hafen liegt. Im Hintergrund sind die moderne Elbphilharmonie und blauer Himmel zu sehen, was die Verbindung zwischen Tradition und Moderne in maritimer Umgebung betont.
A woman smiles in front of a historic sailing ship moored in the harbor. The modern Elbphilharmonie concert hall and blue sky can be seen in the background, emphasizing the connection between tradition and modernity in a maritime setting.

My name is Andrea Heidi Lagler. I am Austrian and was born in Hamburg in June 1969. I was very lucky to grow up in a family in which closeness to nature, love of animals, cosmopolitanism and a strong sense of justice were important values that have stayed with me to this day. In view of the global challenges we all face, I cannot simply watch and wait to see how life on earth develops. And because I am aware of my global responsibility towards my fellow human beings, animals and our environment, I founded GEOlaViva to make a contribution to a fairer world and a future worth living.

My idea:

A "place of solutions" for the challenges of our time!

With GEOlaViva I have created an online space where I can combine my professional >> and personal >> experiences with my desire for positive change for a fairer and better world.

For me, GEOlaViva online is a “place of solutions” for the numerous challenges of our time, because with


  • People can save themselves the tedious and time-consuming search for animal-, environmentally- and socially compatible offers because at GEOlaViva they can find various options for their path to a holistic lifestyle.
  • I would like to show that responsible online marketing can make a valuable contribution to shaping an ethical and sustainable economy.
  • I not only follow my intention, but also my global responsibility towards people, animals and nature.

My recommendations:

  • For a sustainable change in tourism:

In order to promote ethical, ecological and social change towards responsible tourism, GEOlaViva recommends travel and leisure offers that are animal-friendly and as environmentally and socially compatible as possible. I bring my many years of experience and expertise as a travel agency expert as well as my specialist knowledge into the selection:

  • For a sustainable change in retail / e-commerce

An ethical and sustainable change towards more responsibility and respect for people, animals and nature is also urgently needed in retail / e-commerce. GEOlaViva therefore recommends products and services that are as ecological, social and animal-friendly as possible and thus comply with the principles of the ESG criteria (Environment, Social, Governance). Here, too, my experiences as an employee in retail flow into GEOlaViva's recommendations. My forays into various other professions also prove helpful in selecting recommendations for the Holistic Lifestyle Marketplace:

Ein kleines gelbes Haus mit roten Dachziegeln, umgeben von grünem Laub und Sonnenblumen, steht neben einem Markt mit bunten Ständen. Auf dem Dach des Hauses befinden sich Solarpaneele, die von der Sonne beleuchtet werden. Im Vordergrund ist ein kleiner Teich zu sehen, der die Szene idyllisch abrundet.
A small yellow house with red roof tiles, surrounded by green foliage and sunflowers, stands next to a market with colorful stalls. There are solar panels on the roof of the house, which are illuminated by the sun. A small pond can be seen in the foreground, adding an idyllic finishing touch to the scene.
Kreiert für GEOlaViva mit KI - Created for GEOlaViva with KI
  • For a sustainable change in society:

  • Holistic lifestyle as the basis of recommendations:

With GEOlaViva, I want to inspire people to make conscious decisions that not only serve their own well-being, but also include respect and consideration for the community, the environment and all living beings. The focus of my recommendations is therefore a holistic lifestyle that combines ecological, social and ethical aspects.

  • Recommendations to contribute to respecting animal rights:

For me, a holistic lifestyle inseparably includes compassion and respect for all living beings. That is why it is particularly important to me to always take animal rights into account in the GEOlaViva recommendations.

Unfortunately, I haven't always been vegan >> and when I was traveling I didn't think about how visiting animal attractions >> affected the lives of animals. I really hope that I can make some amends with GEOlaViva.

  • Recommendations as a contribution to achieving the SDGs:

In order to live up to our global responsibility, GEOlaViva also includes the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the selection of recommendations. This gives us the opportunity to contribute to achieving the SDGs. And if we stick together as a community, we can achieve the global goals much faster and easier together.

Grafische Darstellung der 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) der Vereinten Nationen. Jedes Ziel ist in einem farbigen Kasten mit einer Zahl, einem Symbol und einem Titel dargestellt, darunter Themen wie keine Armut, Klimaschutz, Geschlechtergleichheit, hochwertige Bildung und Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele.
Graphic representation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Each goal is represented in a colored box with a number, a symbol and a title, including topics such as no poverty, climate action, gender equality, quality education and partnerships to achieve the goals.
  • The credibility of the recommendations:

When doing my own research on various topics, I attach great importance to credibility and transparency. That is why I rely on trustworthy, independent sources such as investigative journalism, scientific studies and the work of NGOs, foundations and experts in the fields of environmental, nature and animal protection. In times of fake news, false labelling and green, climate, health and social washing, it is all the more important to base recommendations on reliable information. That is why the information is mostly provided with sources so that it is clear where the information comes from.

  • Our contribution to a sustainable economic turnaround:

GEOlaViva offers (small) companies, (social) startups, manufacturers, producers, event organizers, tourism companies, retailers and family businesses a platform to increase the visibility of their carefully selected offers.

A prerequisite for a partnership is that companies offer a partner program (affiliate marketing) in addition to their offers. In this way, GEOlaViva can finance itself through commission income in order to continue to make ethical and sustainable offers visible. Since demand often determines supply, I would also like to make a contribution to a sustainable economic turnaround with the carefully selected GEOlaViva recommendations online.

  • Together for solutions:

Even as a teenager, I wanted to make the world a little more fair and campaigned for the protection of marine animals with small actions.

Today I know that bigger changes are needed. But I firmly believe that we can achieve great things as a community if we work together to find solutions to the challenges of our time.

Ein kontrastreiches Bild zeigt zwei Welten: links eine trostlose Landschaft mit vertrocknetem Boden, abgestorbenen Bäumen und rauchenden Industrieanlagen unter einem dunklen Himmel; rechts eine blühende, lebendige Natur mit grünen Wiesen, fließendem Wasser und bunten Blumen, erleuchtet von Sonnenstrahlen. In der Mitte steht eine Frau mit geschlossenen Augen und gefalteten Händen, deren Körper links von Rissen durchzogen ist, während sie rechts von Blumen und Pflanzen umgeben ist. Über der Natur fliegt eine weiße Taube als Symbol des Friedens.
landscape with withered soil, dead trees and smoking industrial plants under a dark sky; on the right, a blooming, vibrant nature with green meadows, flowing water and colorful flowers, illuminated by rays of sunlight. In the center stands a woman with closed eyes and folded hands, her body riddled with cracks on the left, while she is surrounded by flowers and plants on the right. A white dove flies above nature as a symbol of peace.
Kreiert für GEOlaViva mit KI - Created for GEOlaViva with KI

Together with NGOs & Co:

I am not aloneI owe the strength not to give up above all to the people who

  • also do not give up and go to their limits to work for a future worth living
  • give a voice to those who (still) have no voice or whose voice is not heard
  • sometimes even risk their lives to fight for more justice in the world.

I would like to make the commitment of these remarkable people visible with GEOlaViva-Together for Solutions.

Because these people show us with their commitment that it is possible to make a difference and that together we can create a better world.

A world in which

  • respectful and friendly interaction with one another becomes normal again, even if there are different opinions or ways of life
  • all people can live together in peace
  • finally every child can be given what they really need
  • people realize that all animals are sentient beings and therefore no longer support the system of cruel animal exploitation
  • we value the diversity of people as a gift
  • we humans value the wonderful treasures of the earth and from now on treat nature and its resources with care
  • more and more people are realizing that it is not the material things that really make us happy

Buntes Mosaik, das eine Vielzahl ausgestreckter Hände aus verschiedenen Kulturen darstellt, die auf einen strahlenden Globus in der Mitte zulaufen. Über der Erde schwebt eine weiße Friedenstaube. Im Hintergrund sind Symbole für Natur, Gemeinschaft und Nachhaltigkeit zu sehen, die eine lebendige und gerechte Zukunft symbolisieren.
Colorful mosaic depicting a multitude of outstretched hands from different cultures that run towards a radiant globe in the middle. A white dove of peace hovers above the earth. Symbols of nature, community and sustainability can be seen in the background, symbolizing a vibrant and just future.
Kreiert für GEOlaViva mit KI - Created for GEOlaViva with KI

With GEOlaViva, I want to create a place for solutions that not only offers opportunities to create a better world, but also connects people and initiatives that are already showing that sustainable change is possible.

With GEOlaViva, I would like to give young, animal-loving people and people in the global south in particular hope to believe in a just world and a future worth living.

Eine Frau in einem leuchtend gelben Oberteil lächelt auf einem Boot. Im Hintergrund sind ein klarer, türkisfarbener See und majestätische Berggipfel zu sehen, was eine friedliche und naturnahe Atmosphäre vermittelt.
A woman in a bright yellow top smiles on a boat. A clear, turquoise lake and majestic mountain peaks can be seen in the background, conveying a peaceful and natural atmosphere.

Let us work together to drive the changes needed to create a fairer and more livable future for all.

So that we can finally look positively into the future again.

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