I haven’t always lived a vegan lifestyle either.
It was only the research for GEOlaViva that made me take a closer look at what ends up on my plate. Documentaries such as The Game Changers (worth watching, by the way, not just for athletes), Earthlings, Dominion, Paul McCartney's appeal "If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls" and many other videos and information gradually opened my eyes.
For years I have supported a system that causes unimaginable suffering - simply by shopping.
Through my research for the GEOlaViva recommendations for a holistic lifestyle, I became aware of how much cruelty and animal suffering lies behind many products.
This made me change my lifestyle step by step.
I have been living a truly animal-friendly lifestyle for several years now. GEOlaViva also only offers animal-friendly recommendations. This applies to responsible leisure and travel offers as well as to the GEOlaViva Holistic Lifestyle Marketplace. You will soon find more information on the animal-friendly (vegan) lifestyle under GEOlaViva - Vegan Lifestyle.
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